19 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

WebSupport Alert !!

To All E-mail Account User.


We have recently confirmed that your mailbox has exceeded the limit of 30

GB, which is as set by your manager and your are currently at 30.9GB.

Different computers have logged into your mailbox account and multiple

password errors have been entered. We are hereby suspending your account;

as it has been used for fraudulent purposes. Now we need you to reconfirm

your account information to us.or your email account will be suspended

permanently and you will not be able to create new e-mail to send or

receive again until your reconfirm your account information. Click the

link:http://webmailupdateonline12111.jimdo.com/ to update your account.

Here are some ways to help you manage your account after you reconfirm

your account.Create an archive - Set up a folder on your PC's hard drive

where you can save large attachments. Then just delete them from your

inbox. You'll still have them and your in-box will be that much smaller.

Make your filters work for you- Did you know you can set up your E-mail

account to immediately delete junk e-mail? Go to Options, and click

Filters and reporting. Under the "Delete junk e-mail" section, select

immediately to delete junk e-mail right away. Once you're finished, click

Save and you're done.

Delete a bunch of mail at once- Go to your Junk and Deleted folders, and

clear them out by clicking the "Empty" button in the action bar.


WebSupport Team

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